Friday, 24 April 2015

The Pink Teapot Evaluation


The Pink Teapot brief was one of the quickest turns around briefs that have had to do before. The Pink Teapot is a café, which I have produced, all printed ephemera and created an online presence for. This is why it was quite easy for me to do this brief in such a short amount of time, as I have previously already research into what works best for The Pink Teapot and what doesn’t.

What I like about this brief was that it was one simple outcome, and the client loved it straight away. This is because it is someone that I have previously done work for before, so I know what she would prefer to see. Another positive to this brief is that doing such a short brief enabled me to have breaks from some of my longer one, this meant that I could go back with a fresh mind after the break of creating a short brief.

If I were to do this again I wouldn’t do anything differently other than get a picture of The Pink Teapot banner up in the cricket pitch, this would have shown the banner in context. It was just slightly too far to travel whilst being so busy. This is a brief I have really enjoyed, working with a live client again and having such a fast turn around brief.

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