Adnams Beer.
Primary Research.
As Adnams beer is available in supermarkets, I think that it would be a good idea to go to the local supermarkets so that I can see what there is in the shops right now, and how it need to stand out, with doing something that someone else has already done.
The colours in this beer packaging works quite well as the Boston Larger banner colour matches the colours used in the illustration of the man. This makes the brand more consistent, and doesn't look too garish also the top label and the main label work well together which is so important to the packaging.
This ciders aesthetic is so pleasing, even though it isn't a beer, it cider and beers sit next to each other, and the new Adnams beer needs to stand out. Using one different colour for each of the different ciders is something that I will take from this as it works so well. I think that keeping a similar aesthetic and illustration style but having slightly different information and colour works really well.
Although this packaging is quite simple and minimal colours it works well as the Duchy is a royal brand and something that goes through the royal family, therefore it needs to have class about it and shouldn't be overly decorated. The packaging for this is so relevant and appropriate for the brand, this is something I need to establish with my re-branding of Admans, who the audience is specifically.
This is the shelf presence of Adnams. The top and the main labels work well together although I don't think that they are the most appealing packaging. They are all including lots of bright garish colours together, so I think that it will need to be toned down a bit on the shelf, and make them work better as a set rather than as individual bottles.
These colours look great, even though they have a few different ones in
each beer bottle, it works. Colour is something that stands out first to a lot of people see and recognise, this is why I am focusing on the colour.
The Saltaire beer is another exmaple of how too much colour can look overwhelming, although I think that they ahve done the best that they could have done with the logo that they have, colour wise.
I think that the Butcombe beers don't work well as a set, the colours don't work well together and there isn't a massive range. This is something that I am going to take into account when I am creating my re-branded beers, making sure that they all work as a set together and are recognised as the same brand.
The Badger set and Hobgoblin keg of beers are very recognisable as a brand, and they are very popular. They both have very different aesthetics but are equally as popular and recognised. Making a gift set or beer set is quite important I think for a brand, it gives the customer the sense that it is a luxury product compared to the rest, especially when it is aesthetically pleasing.
As well as all of these beers I also found a set in Cost-Co, which is the main reason why I decided to re-brand a beer, as the packaging and the overall appearance of the beers look amazing. This is something that I am trying to go for with my re-brand of Adnams.
Yes the Green King beer selection has been done really well and is an aesthetic that I am aiming for for my Adnams branding and packaging.
From all of this research I have learnt a lot, from looking at what can be expected to see in the supermarkets and online. As Adnams is a beer brand which is sold in the supermarket, I will need it to be relevant for supermarkets. I think that using just one colour in for each of the beer bottles wold work better than having lots of different colours as it is too distracting. The Adnams beer is quite illustrative and colourful, which I think that I will keep the similar concept of each of the beers, but change the amount of colour and use opacities, change the illustration style and maybe adapt the logo, as I think it is hard to get something that will go well with the logo. Colour is an aspect that stands out to most people first and leaves a huge impression on them, this is one of the biggest things I am taking from this research.
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